Episode 50: Why Should Marriage be Between a Man and a Woman?

Episode 50: Why Should Marriage be Between a Man and a Woman?

Episode 50: Why Should Marriage be Between a Man and a Woman? 1920 1080 Catholic Parents Online

Episode 50: Why Should Marriage be Between a Man and a Woman?

One of the biggest questions from our children nowadays, and perhaps one of the most challenging, is this: “Why should marriage be only between man and woman?”

With all the influence from social media and contemporary culture, it is not difficult to see why many can be so befuddled by this question.

We will look at this issue from the perspective of reason. It will help us understand what marriage is in essence, and the important role it plays for the good of spouses, children and society.


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  • What Is Marriage?, Sherif Girgis, Ryan T Anderson & Robert P George, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 34:1 (Winter, 2010)