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    gender theory
    Episode 59: Gender Theory – How Did It Come About? 1842 1036 Catholic Parents Online

    Episode 59: Gender Theory – How Did It Come About?

    How did Gender Theory originate? What were the philosophical ideas that have caused the cultural confusion we are witnessing today in some societies? Who was Dr John Money, and how did he contribute to this idea that gender is a mere social construct?

    gender theory
    Episode 58: Gender Theory For Parents – An Introduction 1382 777 Catholic Parents Online

    Episode 58: Gender Theory For Parents – An Introduction

    We have embarked on this series on “Gender Theory” in an endeavour to shed some light on this seemingly complicated topic through the lens of reason and faith.

    CPO Video Cover Episode 57 Is Masculinity Toxic
    Episode 57: Is Masculinity Toxic? 1920 1080 Catholic Parents Online

    Episode 57: Is Masculinity Toxic?

    What is masculinity in the first place? Is authentic masculinity really toxic? Or is it a disordered version of it that is the cause of much of the woes that we see in our families and society today?

    gender theory
    Episode 59: Gender Theory – How Did It Come About? 1842 1036 Catholic Parents Online

    Episode 59: Gender Theory – How Did It Come About?

    How did Gender Theory originate? What were the philosophical ideas that have caused the cultural confusion we are witnessing today in some societies? Who was Dr John Money, and how did he contribute to this idea that gender is a mere social construct?

    gender theory
    Episode 58: Gender Theory For Parents – An Introduction 1382 777 Catholic Parents Online

    Episode 58: Gender Theory For Parents – An Introduction

    We have embarked on this series on “Gender Theory” in an endeavour to shed some light on this seemingly complicated topic through the lens of reason and faith.

    CPO Video Cover Episode 57 Is Masculinity Toxic
    Episode 57: Is Masculinity Toxic? 1920 1080 Catholic Parents Online

    Episode 57: Is Masculinity Toxic?

    What is masculinity in the first place? Is authentic masculinity really toxic? Or is it a disordered version of it that is the cause of much of the woes that we see in our families and society today?